Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why did militiamen take the gunpowder supplies in Charleston?

';April 21: New Hampshire militiamen march to Cambridge after learning about Lexington and Concord. Patriots seize all the gunpowder supplies in Charleston, South Carolina';

I just took and american history class last year, but i can't remember why this makes sense. Was charlseton a british populated city?

Why did the millitiamen releave charleston of their gunpowder? Thanks for your help (i know this is a stupid ?) =)Why did militiamen take the gunpowder supplies in Charleston?
Everyplace was British back then .. we were British colonies. So, the gunpowder belonged to them. My suggestion is that the colonials had two main purposes: keep the British from using it against them AND augmenting their own meager supply.

Here's a good site for American Revolution info.

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