Thursday, January 7, 2010

How do you get old stains from liquids out of hardwood floors to prepare it for new finish?

If the stain is still there after sanding try some bleach on the stain mark only, not the whole area. Or if that doesn't work then go to Home depot and get a stain stick and try to blend the stain so it looks like the grain of the woodHow do you get old stains from liquids out of hardwood floors to prepare it for new finish?
Preparations should include the sanding of the floor. There shouldn't be any stain left after you sand it.How do you get old stains from liquids out of hardwood floors to prepare it for new finish?
Also you can restain.
It depends on the liquid but sanding removes a multitude of liquid sins. If the stains lighten but don't dissapear then applying a stain will mask the errant liquid spills. If neither provides you with satisfactory results then you can also bleach the entire floor but it is labor intensive.
Sand, sand, sand the floor, 'til the stain is gone.

Then you can refinish it, then the chore is done.
to remove stains:

mix equal parts vinegar and olive oil and apply it with a soft cloth while moving with the wood grain. use another clean, soft cloth to shine it.

to clean:

damp mopping with a mild vinegar solution is widely recommended as a way to clean wood and no wax vinyl or laminate flooring. but if possible, check with your manufacturer first. even diluted, vinegars acidity can ruin some floors, use 1/2 cup white vinegar in 1 gallon (3.7 liters) of warm water. start with a trial application in an inconspicuous area. before applying the solution, squeeze out the mop thoroughly (or just use a spray bottle to moisten the mop head).
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